Analysis of audience feedback of my first edit.
I showed my first edit of the opening sequence to 20 people in the target audience to see what they thought of it, would they watch it and how could I improve it. Here are the results to my questionnaire.
1. What genre do you think this film belongs to?
I asked this very general question to see straight off if my sequence is clearly belonging to the horror genre, as this was the affect I was trying to achieve. Here are the results:
Luckily the majority of my audience could tell easily that my opening sequence belongs to the horror genre, with 9% thinking it was horror or thriller and only 5% getting the genre wrong with thriller. I can see where the confusion might lie, the sequence could be mistaken for a thriller but as only minute sample of people thought it was (1 person out of 2 questioned) I do not think It matters too much. And thriller is a similar genre to horror, is say 30% thought it would be a romantic comedy, then I would have a problem and changes would need to be made.
I also asked them why they thought this so I could identify what mainly contributed to the tone of the film:
I was very pleased to see that the build-up of tension was so effective. I was worried that it wouldn’t come through but it is a vital part of setting the tone and I am thrilled that so many people appreciated it. Other important things my audience said contributed to the genre were costume, props, characters and storyline. This was reassuring to see that I correctly identified conventions of the horror genre and portrayed them effectively.
Quite a few people gave comments such as “It was scary”. These comments were not very helpful as they didn’t tell me what made it scary but still, they were positive and nice to hear.