Monday, 31 October 2011

My audience questionnaire

Here is the questionnaire which I will distribute to at least 20 members of my target audience.

Justification of my questions 

  1. Age - To clarify that these people are part of my target audience and that the answers they give are relevant to me.
  2. Gender - To determine who thinks what about my ideas and if I need to change the target audience.
  3. Favourite type of horror - What type of content do they like to see in a horror film? Then I know what type of thing to include.
  4. Three things to expect - what conventions are expected to signify the genre. That way I can make sure to incorporate them to add appeal to the audience.
  5. Latin title - would this be a good thing to include or is it irrelevant? I thought it was a good idea because it looks and sounds creepy but if the target audience doesn't it may just cause confusion.
  6. Title - To get an idea of what the film could be called and what would entice the audience.
  7. Storyline - is it any good? This was more to get an idea for a title than the actual plot, as we only need to make the opening two minutes and they don't have to necessarily contribute to the story. But they must set the tone and signify the genre. 
  8. Blood - I plan to use blood because it is so clearly linked to horror but I wanted to know the preferred way (if any) of its usage.
  9. Sound - I don't have much idea for the music yet. This question will tell me what sort of thing to look out for when choosing a piece.
  10. Titles - To know which is preferred. I don't want the titles to take away from the action or cause disruption.
  11. Factors - If I had to choose one aspect to focus on which would be the most important. Also tells me what to highlight in the sequence.

I could have asked lots of questions to do with pace, shot types, characters and locations but I plan to use extremely conventional methods for these things. As they are conventions of the genre they should be fairly popular and I hope they will demonstrate my understanding or horror. 

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